Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Six items off the list!

I can check off some items from my list… here are the details:

Climb a rock wall

On Saturday, I went with a group of friends to Tuckahoe State Park to participate in their Adults Only ropes challenge. Their rock wall was more of an upright wooden deck with handholds and footholds bolted onto it. I wonder if I would have done better on a traditional rock wall, like the one at the YMCA. I was able to get maybe a third or halfway up the wall. I was proud of myself and quit while I was ahead so that I could still climb up through a 50 foot rope tube. The only way to get to the zip line was to either climb up the rope tube or to climb up and over the rock wall.

This is what I have to show for my hard work:

Send Aunt Nancy thank you gift 
Send Chris and Sally thank you gift

I finally remembered to bring the bag with the goodies in it to work so that I could assemble and take it to the post office. I packaged it all up and took it to the post office today at lunch. Funny thing about sending packages overseas… the shipping costs more than the stuff you’re sending!

Design egg carton to sell/giveaway eggs

I’ve come up with a design… it has a black & white photo of one of our chickens trying to come into our house at one end. Then it says:  Chicken Knock Farm – Fresh Eggs – Happy hens lay better eggs… then it says gathered on and eggspiration. To be safe I’ll put an eggspiration date of 6 weeks from the gathered on date. I’m sure that they’ll be fine for longer than that, but people might be weirded out by how long eggs can last (3+ months depending on storage). 

Buy a brick for the FACES building

I did this a week or two ago… I had the brick inscribed in memory of my dad.

Make Jay a new mug

It looks like a 5 year old painted it… just the way he likes it.

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