Saturday, April 18, 2009


It's amazing how much your life can change in less than a year. As I look over my 101 list, I realize how many of these things I don't really care about doing anymore, and how many other things I would rather do instead. I'm tempted to start over again and do an entirely different list, but I don't think that would be fair either.

So here is my update:

6. Buy a “word of the day” calendar, and use each word in a sentence each day for two weeks

I finally bought the calendar, but keep forgetting to start using the word. Hopefully I can get this completed soon. It's just difficult when the calendar is at work.

12. Clean out Denton house

Thanks to Jay, I am finally making progress with this one. He has been such a great help motivating me that I almost value his motivational help over his physical and technical help. He has been a Godsend for so many reasons, and this is one of them.

13. Complete my AA degree
As long as I pass my statistics class, this will be a reality next month! :)

17. Get a fish tank
I don't really care about this one anymore... I think it will be a lot more trouble than it is worth.

21. Get my arm tattoo removed - in process
I've had 7 treatments and hopefully I just need one more. I was taking a little break from this one, been getting burned out (no pun intended) from these things.

22. Get my Phi Theta Kappa certificate framed
I have no idea where my certificate even is! So maybe I should change this to "order new certificate in a frame." :-P

23. Give some of Dad’s cremains to Chez Lafitte
I haven't talked to the owner of Chez Lafitte in a few years and it would just be weird to even bring it up to her now. I should change this to "find dad a new box/container."

24. Go back to House Mountain Inn
Too expensive... I've found equally fun places for a lot cheaper!

26. Go fishing
We had planned on doing this on our last trip to Key West, but didn't get a chance. Hopefully I can do this sometime over the summer in some capacity.

27. Go horseback riding
Jay and I did this at the beginning of February... I had the laziest horse ever!

31. Go see a dermatologist
Not even sure why I had this on here to begin with! My skincare regimen is pretty good now and I don't have as many problems with acne as I did a few years ago. I've accepted my skin for what it is and I don't really see a need to go see another doctor. I have to go enough between GYN, thyroid stuff and the allergist!

32. Go see the Orioles play in another ballpark
I may still do this... I think I'd like to see them play the Nationals.

33. Go swing dancing
I can check this off... Jay and I have taken lessons at Arthur Murray and have shown off our moves at a variety of different establishments.

34. Go through old class books & notebooks (throw out or give away the ones I don’t need anymore)
I did this when I moved, not sure why I didn't check it off then.

36. Go to a play at my old high school
Completed! I saw Les Miserables at NCHS during the last weekend of March... they did an awesome job.

37. Go to Little Havana for brunch with at least 10 friends
This is also completed, although I can't remember when. In attendance: Me (obviously), Jay, Shaggy, Sheehan, Jen S, Tim, Jen M, Drue, Niki, and Scott.

52. Learn to fly (complete a solo)
Definitely don't care about this one. I took one lesson, I think that's enough! I'm modifying it to "take a flight lesson" and checking it off.

53. Learn to salsa
Done, although not all that well. Took lessons at Arthur Murray and found a lot of dances that I like a lot more than salsa!

66. Ride a mechanical bull (I stole this idea from someone, but I wanna do it!)
I am cursed when it comes to this one... it seems like whenever I'm set up to do this, there's a mechanical malfunction or something crazy happens. Went twice in Key West to ride it and was unsuccessful. This makes me want to ride it even more!

71. See the Redskins play the Cowboys both at home and away
Don't care about this quite as much... there are more important things to spend money on these days.

72. Sell Denton house
Working on this with Jay's help!

73. Send a letter or email to 3 people that I haven’t been in regular touch with
With facebook and myspace I've been able to connect with a lot of people, so I'm just going to check this one off.

74. Send a postcard to the owner of Le Voltaire Hotel in Arles
Since the owner didn't remember my aunt, he sure as hell doesn't remember me! I've lost the address, not sure if I'll ever do this.

75. Send Anthony a wedding present/card
Lost Anthony's address and I'm well past the standard one year rule. Sorry buddy!

76. Send Cheryl and Megan pictures from Amanda’s wedding
Amanda got married 3 years ago... I doubt Cheryl and Megan even remember me and I've long since lost their email addresses. Amanda has plenty of pictures anyway.

77. Set work-out goals (i.e. 45 minutes of cardio 3x a week) and stick to them for at least one month
Last summer I was a machine when it came to exercising... I've found that it works a lot better if I don't concentrate on specific goals.

78. Sing karaoke with a local celebrity
I consider Niki a local celebrity and I still haven't sung karaoke with her. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later.

79. Take a cooking class
These seems unnecessary... Jay and I have a great time in the kitchen together and I've learned from him. I think that should count.

80. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park
This might happen... we'll see!

81. Take a yoga class
Had an opportunity to do that last week and didn't take Niki up on it. I'm sure I can fit this in somewhere!

82. Take an impromptu weekend trip (changed from an impromptu weekend trip to Europe on 9/26/08)
Meh. We'll see... I don't do many things spur of the moment.

84. Take Stefani to Ruth’s Chris for dinner
This is going to be really difficult to do since Stef is now a vegetarian!!!

85. Take the MR2 for a weekend at the beach
This will also be difficult to do since I sold the MR2 after moving into Baltimore City.

86. Travel to Australia and visit Aunt Nancy
I'm still hoping to do this, although it will probably be past the deadline. Jay and I are probably going to Australia for our honeymoon, so we will spend at least a few days with her.

89. Visit a winery in California
I visited one in Maryland. Screw it, I'm changing this and checking it off.

90. Visit Disney World
I hate crowds, why would I have ever wanted to visit Disney World?

92. Visit Key West again
Been three times now!

93. Visit Lake Tahoe again
Not sure why I really wanted to go back there... the first time wasn't great, so I think I'd rather choose somewhere else.

94. Visit my cousin Emily in Boise
I would still like to do this but I don't know if it will be possible.

97. Visit the Air & Space Museum in Dulles
I'd still like to do this

98. Visit the Baltimore Aquarium
This is in the works

99. Walk or bike the B&A trail around BWI
One of these days!

100. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day over the ocean
Very close to doing that in Key West. I will do it one of these days!

101. Write a letter to the editor
This isn't very difficult, I'll do this eventually.

So those are my updates! Yippee!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow I'm glad you made some changes. I really need to check off a few of mine. I just become lazy when it comes to inserting pictures. Hell I hardly have time for reading, why would I spend hours uploading pictures.