Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#90 Done

90. Finish painting privacy fence


The awesome thing is that Jay did it. I came home from work one day last week and it was finished. :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#23 PADI Advanced Open Water SCUBA diver certification

I posted about my experience on my main blog. There are some photos and even a video from the weekend about the fun I had getting certified.Next up will be Rescue Diver. 

That should be a challenging class, and I'll also have to get my EFR. I'm going to see if I can get my EFR taken care of at work. I'll have to check with the dive shop though... PADI likes to do everything their way and they have some kind of international standard EFR. The diver community on Scubaboard jokes that PADI stands for Put Another Dollar In. I think they might be on to something.

Our instructor and one of the divemasters were encouraging us to go on to Rescue Diver and continue on to divemaster eventually. Apparently rushing out, buying gear, and doing Advanced Open Water right after Open Water is a sign that you like diving. 

I really love the fitness aspect of diving. It's fun, so you don't feel like you're working that hard...and helping with the set-up of slinging tanks and weights gives you a good workout. 

I think being a divemaster would be fun. I greatly enjoyed helping the open water students, even though I didn't know much more than them. It's a wonderful world underwater.

I'm 21% through my list and only 13% through the time period. Hurray for progress!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Down to 17 hens

67. Sell/giveaway laying hens

It's official, we are down to 17 hens. I gave three hens to an arts council friend (one black star, one Ancona and one Australorp). I know that she'll take great care of them.

Here is our current flock:

4 Rhode Island Red/Barred Rock Crosses aka sex links (2 red star, 2 black star)
3 Easter Eggers
3 White Marans
2 Australorps
2 Silver Cuckoo Marans
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Ancona

Friday, November 1, 2013

#94 completed

94. Attend a literary supper

Last weekend, I attended the Poe literary supper at the Caroline Country Club. It was a lovely event, full of Colonial Ladies wearing hoop skirts.

Plenty of bad jokes to go around, some death metal, and of course readings of Poe's works. 

All in all, a lovely night. Sadly I have no photos of ladies in hoop skirts. Or I do, but I must protect the identity of those involved. :)