Monday, July 17, 2017

42. Done - Ten New Tripadvisor Reviews

Since I downloaded the TripAdvisor app to my phone, I've discovered it is much easier to get some reviews done. For as much as I use TripAdvisor to plan my vacations, I am going to recommit to reviewing spots.

At any rate, I was able to put together TEN reviews just yesterday. Some were longer and more detailed than others, but I think even a short paragraph can help people out a lot while deciding where to stay and eat.

I wanted to review a few other places, like our rental Beach at Your Feet  in Bargara, or the babysitting services and rental companies we used. I guess I'll have to set them up as new places to review. But that seems like a lot of work!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

A total update

This update is long overdue!

Doing Good
Send Aunt Nancy thank you gift
I need to do this. I think that I will make her a card and send her some caramels with some other stuff.

Write a letter to the editor
I actually had composed one of these several months ago. I just re-read it, and I think I am going to make some edits and send it in. One of these days, anyway.

Participate in a Food Stamp Challenge each year during 101 list
I think that the local version of this happened during March. Hunger Action Month happens in September, so I am planning to participate for a week during that month (most likely Monday-Friday). It’s difficult to get my whole family (aka my husband) involved, but I will do my best.

Be a relentlessly positive person for an entire week
I’ve been a little bit better about this. I think to do this, I’m going to have to redouble my efforts in meditation and also I think I’ll need to take a break from the news.

Draft MGAS administration policy
This is getting a total makeover. Over the past few years, I’ve done a lot of thinking of how my dad would have wanted to continue his legacy. I think I’m doing a pretty good job on my own and I also am donating to a lot of causes that I think that he would support. The arts council has changed a lot from its original mission, and I don’t know that he would want me to devote my time and energy in that way.

Find a cause that I love and donate money or volunteer my time
I’ve been doing a lot more of this, but it seems that I am giving money to everyone these days. The organizations currently getting my money are Hunger/Food Pantries, NPR, International Rescue Committee, and Planned Parenthood. I need to make some more contributions to VGIF as well. I’m feeling pulled in a lot of directions these days and can’t seem to focus on any one thing. I’ve been asked to become a board member for Friends of the Library and I think I will probably commit to that.

Spend a day volunteering – Habitat for Humanity, Soup Kitchen, etc.
I still haven’t done this and want to do it.

Pay it forward – pay for a stranger’s coffee or lunch at least once per year of 101 (2 of 3 complete)

I do this fairly regularly, although it’s typically in line at Dunkin Donuts. I think I need to up my game by paying for a stranger’s lunch while I’m out at an actual restaurant.

Send at least three birthday cards during 101 list
I’m failing miserably at this! Maybe I should do them all at once and get them all addressed and ready to mail so that I can mark it off.

Send a positive message in a bottle
I wanted to do this in Australia and never did it. I go back and forth with trying to decide what to write and whether I should keep it anonymous.

Decide if I'm going to get my Bachelors in Business Admin and sign up to do it
I’m close to doing this. I ordered my transcripts from AACC and am meeting with a counselor at Chesapeake next week to discuss how I should best proceed. I also need to meet with a counselor at UMUC. I want to do it as cheap and quick as possible. UMUC has some programs where you can receive credit for prior learning on the job as well as credit while you’re working, as long as you work on projects that relate to what you are learning. It’s probably more difficult than the actual classroom, but however I can earn credits and that degree!

Participate in a Lady Caroline’s Players Production
If/when I begin taking classes again, I won’t have time for this.

Read at least three non-fiction books (not Kindle or audiobook) during 101 list
I’ve read one so far. I have a work conference in August and Jay and I are going to Charleston/Savannah in December, so I should be able to knock another one out then.

Take a one month Facebook vacation
This was one of the best things I ever did. It reset my obsession with constantly checking Facebook and not being present. Recently I reinstalled the app on my cell phone so that I could more easily update/share my Australia pictures, but I’ve noticed that it is taking up more and more of my time. So I think I’m going to delete it again soon. I have an app for Groups and Messenger, which are my two main uses.

Try out toastmasters
I’d still like to do this at least once. I need to hone my public speaking and business speaking skills.

Pass my Series 66
Done! First try I was 4 questions short. Second try, I scored an 80. My boss told me that I studied too hard the second time.

Take a day off of work, get a massage, and enjoy a quiet day by myself
I think that this is going to get booted to next year.

Determine cost basis for my two lonely MTB shares
Done, should have a nice loss for next year’s taxes.

Get a new headshot
I just mentioned to my boss that we should put out a press release about our new hire and get headshots done for all of us. It’s on our list, so it will get done eventually.

Update my LinkedIn profile
I’ll take care of that at the same time I update my headshot.

Send in a secret to Postsecret
Done, and it didn’t get posted. But that’s okay.

Family Life
Go ballroom dancing
Need to do this! Maybe it will be one of our date night excursions.

Meet up with my cousin Emily - either in Boise or elsewhere
This might happen next year. We are thinking of checking out some of the National Parks in the Pacific Northwest or Yellowstone, which could make a visit doable.

Go camping (completed, I think)
Went camping in 100 degree heat last July. I’d like to take Mark camping with us next time, though.

Go fishing
Need to do this.

Go crabbing
Need to do this.

Make Jay a new mug

Need to do this.

Take Markface on a glass bottom boat ride
I thought we’d do this in Australia, but never had a good opportunity.

Decide on our next vehicle for when Roxie (Civic with 300k+ miles) finally dies
We might get another Subaru Forester. We’ll see, though. Jay wants an SUV with a tow hitch for when his truck dies.

Take Markface to the National Zoo
I should really do this. Maybe in the fall when it cools down.

Take Markface to at least three sessions of swimming lessons during list
I should also really do this.

Get Loki more training – whether private or a public obedience class
Need to do this too.

Visit my second cousin Linda in NC, spend at least a weekend there
Still haven’t planned this. Maybe we’ll do it as part of an Outer Banks trip.

Come up with a food storage plan/supplies for our family for 2+ weeks
We pretty much already have this covered. We have plenty of canned goods, cereal, bottled water, rice, beans, etc. to survive for at least two weeks during an emergency.

Have an emergency plan for Zombie Apocalypse or Weather Event
We do need to come up with this.

Come up with a regular date night plan
We planned to do these at least once a month, but we haven’t stuck to a schedule or anything. We had plenty of nights/lunches/dives out on vacation. Need to get back into the groove of this.


Use our timeshare at a sister resort (not in the DR or Mexico)
I think we will try to do this near a National Park next year, or maybe another localish trip. Our timeshare switched to using RCI exclusively, which I haven’t quite figured out yet. I know that I have to deposit weeks and it’s hard to understand.

Spend a weekend in NYC
Still need to do this.

Plan a visit to South America
I think 2019 might be our year to visit there… although we’ll see. Could do Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, although I think I’d rather do that on a liveaboard. My sister in law said that she wanted in on our next trip to Australia/New Zealand, so we’ll need to save $$ and she wants to see both. So I am thinking that I’m going to try to get off for at least 3 weeks again. This time we’ll do New Zealand first so that we’ll be more acclimated to the time change when we get to Australia. I’m thinking we’ll do the North Island for 4 days, South Island for 4 days (hopefully do a shark dive!), then hop over to Australia for two weeks of less intensive travel. Probably stay in Bargara again – it was a great spot.

Go on a last-minute vacation
I’m such a planner that this is going to be hard to do. Maybe I’ll pick a week to go somewhere and we won’t decide until two weeks or a month out.

Take a two-week vacation
Done! Although Australia is tough to do in two weeks because of the time difference.

Write 10 new reviews on TripAdvisor (1 of 10 as of 11/15/16)
I need to write some more!

Go on a 3 (or more) night girl's trip and act totally ridiculous at least one night
I need to plan this.

Go on a book club trip (Debbie must be there!!)
We definitely need to plan this. There was a discussion of doing a weekend at Deep Creek… I think I’m going to try bringing it up again at the next book club.

Spend a fun weekend in DC with Angela and Tiffany
Still need to do this!

Visit at least five UNESCO world Heritage Sites during 101 list
Two out of five. Chichen Itza and the Great Barrier Reef.

Blog about each UNESCO site I visit
Failing at this one!

Plan a trip to the Outer Banks
I should start on this one. Maybe we’ll do the OBX as one of our trips next year. As I previously mentioned, we are going to try to see more of the US next year. I think the outer banks is a great place for kids too. I took Mark to Cape Henlopen State Park this morning and it was just so crowded and not fun! It really made me miss Bargara and our gorgeous deserted beach.

Fun, Games, Art, Adventure

Failing miserably at these, I’ll only note the ones that I’ve done.
Attend a murder mystery dinner theatre
Go whitewater rafting (preferably Class V)
Re-learn how to play Chess
See a Broadway show
Go on a sailing adventure (take a sailing course if possible, even for one day)

Watch the Eurovision awards in 2017 and host an impromptu Eurovision party in OZ
Eurovision Awards were super lame this year, but we did throw a little party!

Do an Escape Room adventure
Attend a Plein Air event (bonus points for participating)
Decide on my next tattoo – location and art

Scuba Diving

Obtain a new PADI certification- Zombie Apocalypse Diver or Nitrox - anything!
I just realized that I did this. I got my Aquarium Diver certification, although I think that Nitrox would be way more useful. I want my Nitrox and Rescue Diver next.

Go diving in the Baltimore National Aquarium
Did this in April. It was cool to do once, and I’d probably do it in Disney or Dubai, but never again in Baltimore unless I was desperate to get in the water.

Dive a wreck
Not yet, maybe when we go to OBX.

Get to 50 dives (20 @ time of list) by the end of this 101 list – (current tally 34)
Pretty sure that I’m on track to get to this number. I just need to make sure that we get to Dutch Springs or Lake Phoenix this year.

Try out diving at Dutch Springs
We’ll try to get this done in September or October I think.

Fitness / Health

Hike Old Rag
Maybe next year? Not sure when I’m going to do this unless it’s a weekend away for me and Jay. No chance I’m taking Mark on a 10 mile hike.

Commit to using Lose It regularly for at least 3 months
I did this! I think I only lost 5 pounds, but I did track religiously. About to start exercising again.

Go one week without coffee and/or caffeine
Not sure when/if I will ever do this!

Go one week without eating anything sweet or using sugar
Did this and I now mostly drink my coffee using only creamer.

Food, Eating, and Cooking
Failing at most of these!

Make another batch of wine
Make Maryland Beaten Biscuits
Make at least six attempts to duplicate Sara’s favorite pasta sauce

Have brunch at Miss Shirley’s
Did this after my aquarium dive!

Dinner with Jay at Charleston in Baltimore (tasting menu w/ wine)
Learn how to make croissants
Make rainbow cookies
Make fresh lemonade from scratch

House, Home, Garden

Have a yard sale (to clean up house)
Need to do this, although I may change this to yard sale/stuff to auction. Eventually we’ll sell our house and we’ll need to clean out the attic. We’ve gotten rid of a LOT of stuff already.

Can tomatoes or sauce from my garden
My tomatoes are finally getting ripe… I am going to try my hand at spaghetti sauce one day soon!

Get rid of blue couch

Rearrange furniture in reading nook and downstairs
I’ll mark this done. Downstairs furniture is good, and if we’re moving in the next few years I don’t really need/want anything for that space anyway.

Successfully grow a plant from seed
Maybe for the fall?

Grow herbs inside
One day!

Help Jay design & assemble outdoor fire pit area
This is half-done. We now have a fire pit, but we still need to dig up the area around it and fill it in with stones.

Frame trip photos and decide where to hang them in our house
This is done!

Print and frame pics of at least ten new friends/family to hang in hallway
I need to redo this. Had printed some out, but then got the wrong size.

Buy a lawnmower & fire our lawn guy
Done! I’m sure that it has already saved us hundreds of dollars. That guy has been ripping us off for years.

Build a backyard deck
It’s allegedly happening soon.

Decide if we want to sell our house
Yes, I am 90% sure we will. We even looked at a house for sale last week! We want something newish and might even end up building it so that it meets all of our picky requirements.

Plant annuals at least once during 101 list
Done! I planted some petunias out front and they look lovely.

Hatch chicks from eggs – make this the start of my RIR & EE flock
Not sure if I will ever do this. I am kind of tired of having so many chickens and having Loki attack them.

Find a place that will butcher our chickens for us
Still need to do this.

Research solar panels or a generator for power loss
Will probably do this for our next place.

Clean out closets in all bedrooms
I’ll mark this done.

Make a donation at least once a year to Purple Heart (2 of 3)
I’m constantly making these to Purple Heart and NFB.


Make a filing system for all of my important documents
Done! Thank you Magical Art of Tidying.

Spread some of Dad at Martinak State Park (completed)
Done, I think he would like where I chose.

Spread some of Dad at Adkins Arboretum
I think I’ll do this when it cools off a bit.

Visit Kathy's store Bead Soup
For Christmas shopping!

Enter something in the county or state fair
I printed out the catalog so I could do this. Still might!

Get some mats so that I can make my Etsy listings look prettier
Need to get this done.

Buy a new DSLR
I don’t think I’m going to do this after all. I don’t use the one that I have enough to warrant it.

Post at least 20 updates a year to blog/101 list
I’m failing miserably at this. I will have to get back to regular posting, even if it’s just a photo.

Make a new 101 list by the end of old one
Doubt I’ll do this, but you never know!