Monday, March 14, 2016

101 Update as of March 14th

Here is an update on my 101 list with two weeks to go. It’s funny how having a kid can derail some plans, but help you get other kinds accomplished.

The 101 List
Start Date: Sunday, July 7, 2013
End Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016

In Process             Completed                                                  
1.             Make my new 101 list (it's nice to have something to check off right away, isn't it?)
2.             Find the perfect mojito recipe (preferably from Fish D'vine)
It’s not perfect, but I found some tricks from taking Dolly’s class at Harry’s on how to properly make drinks. It turns out one of the things that I’ve been doing wrong my entire life is muddling. Muddling doesn’t mean mashing the hell out of your herbs – you only want to muddle enough to release the fragrance. Who knew?
3.             Use a "word of the day" in a sentence every day for two weeks (or longer)
4.             Get my wedding ring re-sized (it was too small to begin with)
I completed this finally. I got it done around March of 2014, when my hands were swelling due to my pregnancy.
5.             Buy a map and put pins in the locations where I've left a little of Dad
6.             Use one week of our timeshare in a place other than the DR
We used this in Cancun, where they somehow sold us (read: MIMOSAS) on upgrading our timeshare. Hopefully we will start taking more advantage, especially with those special red hot weeks that are cheap and drive-able to a sister resort. We’re also going back to Cancun in December.
7.             Go camping
8.             Go fishing
9.             Go crabbing
10.          Go horseback riding with Rancho Lorilar in the Dominican Republic
11.          Attend one of the monthly USA Dance  events (or something comparable)
12.          Go to a murder mystery dinner theatre
13.          Raft a Class V river
14.          Climb a rock wall
15.          Go without eating out for two weeks
We have done this several times. I/we have been making an effort to eat at home as a family every night that we can. It’s also saved us money!
16.          Have a yard sale
17.          Have my aunt Mary over for dinner
She came over for Mark’s party, so I’ll check this one off.
18.          Hike Old Rag
19.          Complete the Couch 25K program
20.          Sign up for a 5K race - then do it
21.          Swim 1000 yards
22.          PADI Open Water SCUBA diver certification
23.          PADI Advanced Open Water SCUBA diver certification
24.          Come up with a weekly housecleaning list
We have one, whether or not it’s completed is another story. We do have a housecleaner who comes in once a month that has helped us a LOT.
25.          Make a filing system for all of my important documents
This is a work in progress, but I’m marking it off
26.          Figure out what I want to be when I grow up or figure out my degree path
27.          Drink bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape from 2006 France trip (hope it's still good)
We enjoyed it at Thanksgiving 2015. It was delicious!
28.          Make a photobook of Australia and New Zealand trip
I did this and love it! I also made a little photobook of our time in Surfers and Cooley for my Aunt Nancy and sent it to her.
29.          Set up a computer with photo editing software
30.          Frame and hang one or more of my own photos
I have six of my photos hanging in my office, and I also bought a set of frames to hang more in the house.
31.          Look into providing photos for Shutterstock
32.          Select photos and apply to be a juried photographer at the Foundry
33.          Fence in entire backyard
34.          Can tomatoes from my own garden
35.          Re-learn how to play Chess
36.          Spend a weekend in NYC
37.          See a Broadway show
38.          Send Aunt Nancy thank you gift 
39.          Send Chris and Sally thank you gift
40.          Make gluten-free bread
41.          Design egg carton to sell/giveaway eggs
42.          Take an impromptu trip to the beach (for the day or weekend)
I’m happy to report that we’ve done this a few times!
43.          Make a batch of wine
44.          Meet up with Nancy and Darryl in Germany or Austria
This will likely never happen, as my uncle Darryl is giving up his passport. We are planning to visit them in OZ again in May of 2017.
45.          Visit Key West (maybe even for Fantasy Fest)
Hey look, we did this and celebrated our five year anniversary!
46.          Meet up with my cousin Emily - either in Boise or elsewhere
47.          Write a letter to the editor
48.          Plan a visit to South America
49.          Take a two-week vacation (or longer)
50.          Write up TripAdvisor reviews for 5 places/things in OZ and/or NZ
51.          Sign up to be a Foodie pen pal at least once
52.          Write a magazine-worthy essay or short story
53.          Send out Christmas cards (hopefully every year)
We’ve done this twice… not too bad for us!
54.          Find a cool glass bottle to display my Whitehaven Beach sand
55.          Spread some of Dad at Martinak State Park
I still need to do this. I had the perfect opportunity to make him a somewhat permanent fixture of the trail at Martinak, too.
56.          Buy a brick for the FACES building
57.          Plan and organize a WCCC meeting
58.          Go on a sailing adventure
59.          Eat a rooster that wakes me up too early
60.          Make Jay a new mug
61.          Spend a day technology-free
62.          Plant hardy perennials in front garden
63.          Get rid of red couch and chair
64.          10,000 steps a day for two weeks straight
65.          Do a liveaboard trip or cruise vacation
66.          Use Chase Sapphire points for a vacation
67.          Sell/giveaway laying hens
68.          Sell eggs from our flock (hopefully enough to sustain price of feed)
69.          Make brownies from scratch and share recipe on blog
70.          Visit Nancy and Darryl in Australia again
71.          Decide if finishing my degree in OZ is a viable option
72.          Visit Kathy's store Bead Soup
73.          Send Renee and Joanne souvenirs from vacation
74.          Enter something in the county or state fair
75.          Try out paddleboarding
I did this in September 2015 and LOVED it! It makes me want to move somewhere on the water and buy a paddleboard. J
76.          Decide if buying a boat is right for us
77.          Try out oil pulling for at least a month
78.          Successfully grow a plant from seed
79.          Research and buy a new car
80.          Dive a wreck
81.          Go to the Dry Tortugas
82.          Have a fabulous time at Christina and Dan's wedding
83.          Make lemonade from scratch
84.          Stay at a bed and breakfast
85.          Go to pony penning
86.          Have a gait analysis done and buy proper running shoes
87.          Watch a meteor shower
88.          Send a message in a bottle
89.          Harvest pecans from our tree
90.          Finish painting privacy fence
91.          Go on a last-minute vacation 
92.          Bring in fresh flowers to work for a month
93.          Give someone a gift for being awesome
94.          Attend a literary supper
95.          Attend Second Saturdays at the Foundry at least twice a year (6x total)
96.          Make Maryland Beaten Biscuits
97.          Go vegetarian for a week
98.          Perfectly cook salmon
99.          Grow herbs inside
100.        Put up blackout curtains in bedrooms
101.        Spend an entire afternoon reading in the hammock