I have 1001 DAYS to complete 101 THINGS. Here's how it works: You list 101 things that you want to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). The "things" can be major lifestyle changes or seemingly inconsequential items, like "try sushi." Either one could make you sick or kill you. Hopefully neither will happen and this blog will help keep me motivated!
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm updating, I swear
I'm going to update soon, I have some other things to check off. Am finally going to hike Old Rag next month, too! Jennifer and I tricked Toya into doing it with us. Nothing like omitting the length of a 9 mile hike. hehe. ;)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Holy crap
However, my 101 list hasn't been derailed, only my blog updates. I have at least 10 things to cross off my list... I just haven't had much of a chance to update. Lots of things going on in my life right now, one of them is going to mean changing a few of my items.
So... look for an update soon, I promise!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I need to make a new 101 goal
Anyway... I think I'll cross off some things that I've done, and I'll post about them later. Only problem is that I'm not sure of the dates. Hmm. Oh well!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Brief update
Kayaking and the caribbean cruise is coming up next month, so I can check those off. I also told Stef that the next time she comes over here that I'm taking her to dinner at Ruth's Chris. Key West is in the works... it was supposed to happen before the cruise, but due to a scheduling SNAFU with Brian's vacation, I'm now going two weeks AFTER the cruise. But the cool thing is that it will be the last week that Niki plays, so that will be neat. :)
Anyway, that's my brief update... I'm hoping to do an official update this weekend.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Copied & pasted from myspace... will do my regular update ASAP
As most of you know, I have an armband tattoo on my arm which I've outgrown (sorry, Artie - wherever you are!!)... I didn't think about the placement, and the tattoo itself has no personal meaning to me other than being 18 and wanting to be cool and get a tattoo. I started thinking about having it removed probably 5 years ago or so. I alternated between having it touched up or added on to and having it totally taken off. Usually those 'adding on' thoughts happenned when I was drunk.
Well, it's been nearly ten years and today was the day that I began the process of having it removed. It was actually prompted by Angela, who has been having her underarms done and has raved about laser hair removal. So I was thinking.. hmm.. I hate shaving and I'm always getting ingrown hairs... what the hell. Let's find out the deal for both.
Probably a year ago, I contacted Monarch Medspa after hearing their commercials. They tried calling me, but I never called them back. I guess I wasn't ready. I began looking into it again after hearing another commercial that they were running specials... go to their website and they're offering 30% off tattoo removal packages and 30% off laser hair removal + 1/2 off an additional package. It isn't cheap, but it's come down in price more than 300% since I began considering it.
You see where this is going...... when I do things, I jump in with both feet. So I opted for the laser tattoo removal package, and both a bikini and underarm package, 6 sessions each. What the hell, ya know... I can knock them out all at once.
I took a half day vacation today... I was super anxious this morning... probably most anxious about the bikini part just because of the shyness/vulnerability factor. I didn't use a numbing cream, and according to the nurse who did the procedure, she didn't think that it helped all that much anyway. The underarms were quick and easy... it was a little painful at times, but nothing I couldn't handle. People have likened it to a rubber band snapping against the skin, but I think more of it as feeling like an either super-hot or super-cold blast of keyboard cleaner with each pulse- you know, that stuff where the can gets all cold and frosty after you use it? The bikini was more painful than the underarm, and surprisingly the parts I thought would hurt the most weren't as sensitive. The modesty factor goes away after the first pulse - all you think about at that point is the pain and ohgodwhenwillthisbeover?? Not to mention that the nurse says she does about 10 of those a day. That being said, I think that it's well worth it.
On to the laser tattoo removal... which I'm thinking is going to be cake. I saw it on Youtube and it looked fast and painless. HAHAHA!!! Was I mistaken! First they inject you with lidocaine - in my case it was a little more difficult, since she had to get all the way around my arm instead of a general area. After probably the 10th stick, I started feeling woozy. After a minute rest and some water, I laid down for the remaining injections, which seemed to take forever. It wasn't the pain or anything - I just hate needles.. it's more the thought of it.. plus, I could feel that the area was getting numb and it just made me feel weird. Next time I'll probably lay down for the whole thing and try not to think about it as much. After she was finally done with the lidocaine (or maybe it was some other numbing agent, I don't know), the laser started. The numb parts were fine, it felt like something snapping against my skin, but wasn't painful at all. However, the parts that weren't numb hurt!! It actually did feel like a laser at that point... it was a hot, stinging sensation... that's the best I can describe. Fortunately, that part didn't take long at all. It looks like the care is going to be the most problematic part.. I can't get the dressing wet for 3 days, so I guess I'll have to saran wrap my arm somehow. I have to change it regularly and make sure that it doesn't dry up... it looked pretty gross when she was done and it was bleeding. Ick.
Right now, my arm is extremely sore, but my underarm and bikini areas feel fine!
So anyway, that's my story... guess I'll post this as a bulletin and a blog. When I take the bandages off for the first time, I'll post some pictures. So remember, kids - tattoos are not fun to have removed, not to mention expensive - so think REALLY hard before you get one! I do have 3 characters on my back/shoulder, but I'm keeping those since I can a) cover them and b) they actually have a little meaning. Those are the tattoos that you want - those you can cover and those that have meaning.
Please think long and hard before inking yourself!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
#60 Completed and a few updates
60. Open Champagne from France trip in 2006 - Completed 12/31/07
I figured what better time than New Year's Eve to open a bottle of champagne? I was hoping to open it for an engagement, upgrade, or buying a house, but I got too impatient!! It was good champagne, but unfortunately I put it in the freezer a little too long before opening it. Oops. C'est la vie!! However, I did purchase another bottle of champagne while we were in France last month... it's a bottle of Moet rose champagne... I've never had a rose champagne before and I'm looking forward to drinking it!
Other updates:
16. Get a Brazilian wax
See number 87!
21. Get my arm tattoo removedToday I finally spoke with someone at Monarch Medspa... I contacted them probably 6 months ago or more, but never made much of an effort to inquire about their services. I knew that they were running a few specials and packages, one of them being 30% off tattoo removal. Knowing how long I've put this off and knowing that if I'd just started it a year ago, it would probably be gone by now, I wasted no time in making an appointment. It begins on Tuesday, 1/8/08. Wish me luck!!
29. Go on a Caribbean Cruise
Departing on March 23rd (not quite booked yet, but we've decided at least!) for 7 days... going to Nassau, St. Maarten and St. Thomas. Can't wait! :)
I told Brian that if he wanted me to go on his friends' ski trip on the weekend of our 3rd anniversary, he has to teach me how to ski. He thinks that I'll get too frustrated my first time and it won't be as fun for me... so we're going earlier by ourselves! On MLK Day weekend, I will be falling on my ass repeatedly. Hopefully I won't break any bones and I'll be able to check this one off. Who knows, maybe I'll love it so much that I'll become a ski bunny and start jetting off to Colorado instead of Europe on the weekends. ;)
78. Sing karaoke with a local celebrity
Well, Niki Barr is going to be my local celebrity... I had a drunken conversation with her after a show one night and I think I told her that I wanted to sing karaoke with her. So, I guess that's a start...
87. Try electrolysis or laser hair removal
I figured that as long as I was doing laser tattoo removal, I should just kill two birds with one stone and try lasering some other parts of my body. Angela has raved about her laser hair removal and claims that it doesn't hurt too much, so I've been inspired by her. The special they had for hair removal was to buy one treatment & get the second half-off. Bikini and underarm. Yep. For bikini, they have "bikini" and "full." Bikini is just the basic bikini and full is everything else... yeah... brazillian. So, I'm not quite sure if I'm going to do the full brazillian or leave a little something there. I think the latter... Tiffany said she read that someone had buyer's remorse. We'll see, I guess.
92. Visit Key West again
The plan is to head down to Key West 3 days before our cruise in March... Niki is playing, so that will probably be my karaoke opportunity. Any requests?